LECERF Jean-Michel
Institut Pasteur de Lille, France
- Jean Michel Lecerf is a physician and his practice has been dedicated to nutrition since the beginning of his career, carried out in Lille both in hospitals and at the Institut Pasteur de Lille where he founded in 1982 a nutrition department renowned for its clinical research activities and for its communication actions.
- Jean-Michel is a renowned expert, member of numerous scientific societies: public (national agencies) and private (food industries) scientific committees. He is member of the Académie d’Agriculture de France.
- He has devoted his clinical research activity to lipid metabolism and has published numerous works on this theme.
- Jean-Michel is also very active in teaching and communicating with health professionals as well as patients and consumers. He has written more than 975 medical and scientific papers (300 with peer-review) and presented nearly 500 oral communications, making him one of the best-known clinical nutritionists in France today.
- He has published 22 books on nutrition, metabolism, lipidology, obesity.
Recent publications:
- Biver E, et al. Dietary Recommendations in the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis. Joint Bone Spine. 2022 Dec 22:105521.
- Lecerf JM, et al. Comparison of pesticide residue and specific nutrient levels in peeled and unpeeled apples. J Sci Food Agric. 2023 Jan 30;103(2):496-505.
- Ghaleb Y, et al. Whole Exome/Genome Sequencing Joint Analysis of a Family with Oligogenic Familial Hypercholesterolemia. Metabolites. 2022 Mar 18;12(3):262.
- Herrou J, et al. Do vegans have a higher fracture risk? Joint Bone Spine. 2022 Jul;89(4):105349.
- Lecerf JM, Cani P, Nutrition et microbiote dans le diabète de type 2 : de la symbiose à la dysfonction métabolique. Med Mal Metab 2022, 16.
EGEA 2023 Programme